Guanajuato and San Miguel Allende Gastronomy & Restaurant Guides

The state of Guanajuato is a great place to sample regional Bajío cuisine. Favorite local dishes include enchiladas mineras (tortillas filled with meat, beans or cheese and topped with a sauce made from guajillo and ancho chiles) and pacholas guanajuatenses (ground beef with spices), empanadas de carnitas (meat quesadillas), Acambaro bread and the fiambre de San Miguel de Allende, which is a mixture of different types of beef, chicken and pork with fruits and vegetable in oil an vinegar.

Among the traditional drinks of Guanajuato state, you’ll find agua de betabel (beet
flavored water), and two different fermented drinks: colonche, which is made with prickly pear, and cebadina, a concoction of barley water, tamarind and jamaica (hibiscus) with baking soda added when it’s served to make it fizzy. Cebadina is reputed to be a great hangover remedy.

Guanajuato also has a lot of different options for dessert. You can choose between candied strawberries, charamuscas (caramel figures), cajeta (sweetened caramelized milk), jamoncillos (caramels), the traditional strawberries with cream, alegrias (honeyed amaranth and dried fruit bars) and the jaletinas (special jellies). /


Guanajuato Restaurants
San Miguel de Allende Restaurants
San Miguel de Allende Shopping & Galleries