WTTC Welcomes Zachary Rabinor as a Regional Council Member

The World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) has welcomed Journey Mexico CEO, Zachary Rabinor, as a regional member of their council.  An invitation-only membership, Zach is honored to have been chosen among the some one hundred world’s foremost Travel & Tourism companies  to participate in this important international fourm.

The WTTC aims to raise awareness of the importance of the travel and tourism sector, one of the world’s largest industry, supporting 284 million jobs and 9.8% of the world’s GDP. In Mexico specifically, it is the leading GDP – passing petroleum for the first time in 17 years – and contributes to 15.9% of all jobs. As a member representing Mexico, Zach together with the WTTC has a unique mandate and overview on all tourism-related matters in efforts to promote sustainable growth and well-being for the tourism sector in Mexico.

I feel honored to be amongst the industry’s leaders and am excited to forge ahead in helping Mexico earn recognition as a world class destination and the travel and tourism industry be prioritized for its vital contribution to job creation, conservation, global collaboration, and the global economy.” – Zachary Rabinor

WTTC is renowned for the depth of its research, spearheading global analysis of the economic importance, both direct and indirect, of tourism. But in addition to the WTTC’s unrivaled research efforts,  its members are involved in on-the-ground action in the form of community engagement, charitable contributions, disaster relief, and/or conservation efforts. One initiative in particular highlighted Mexico this year:   Expediciones Sierra Norte in Oaxaca, Mexico won the Community Award in the 2016 Tourism for Tomorrow Awards for their dedicated efforts to their community-based ecotourism project of establishing more than 100 km of routes through the forest, all following the ancient trails and paths that connected the communities in the past.

Travel and tourism is growing at a faster rate than other significant sectors such as automotive, financial services, healthcare, which is why it is more important than ever to become involved and have a voice to generate prosperity. We wish our best of luck to Zach as a new member of the WTTC!



Hacienda Puerta Campeche New Chef and Ceviche Cooking Class

Hacienda Puerta Campeche, a boutique hotel part of the five Luxury Collection hotels operated by Starwood Hotels & Resorts in Mexico, is a true architectural relic that dates back to the 17th century. It sits right in the heart of Campeche City’s colorful Historic Center, declared of great importance and a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.

The building that has now been transformed into a luxury hotel-hacienda was originally the home to one of the first traders to sell imported products in the area over 400 years ago. With its location on  the Gulf of Mexico, and having inherited ancient recipes and cultures from the Mayans, Puerta Campeche offers  authentic gastronomical experiences to guests that combine local produce and freshness from the sea.   With this in mind, Hacienda Puerta Campeche’s newly appointed Chef, Ignacio Bañuelos, has created a cooking class with one of the most popular and freshest dishes in Mexico: ceviche.

Although ceviche  can seem easy and effortless to prepare, a good ceviche has its tricks! During this cooking class, guests are able to learn from the experts how to marinate and properly mix the main ingredient, sea food – which can be fish, shrimp, octopus, salmon, tuna –  with different ingredients, including traditional flavors such as mango, pineapple, and cucumber, as well local ingredients like the Chaya plant, a type of spinach typically used in Mayan dishes that is very rich in iron, potassium and calcium. After enjoying this dish and learning ancient Mayan tips, guests can finish their evening soaking in the beautiful views from Hacienda Puerta Campeche’s terrace, the pool or a good nap in their hammocks. This flavorful and versatile dish is a refreshing option for Campeche’s sunny weather.



For visitors of  one of the other four Luxury Collection Haciendas in the Yucatan (Temozon, Uayamon, Santa Rosa, or San Jose) it is necessary to taste the culinary delights of a typical Yucatecan kitchen. One of its most representative dishes is cochinita pibil: a typical platter of the region which consists of pork meat flavored in achiote and sour orange. The meat is covered by banana leaves and cooked in an underground built oven, giving it that special flavor.
Guests at these haciendas have the opportunity to witness the “Cochinita Pibil Cooking Show”, where they share the experience cooking hand in hand with the chef, and then enjoy this delicious dish served with marinated onion in handmade tortillas. Undoubtedly the Cochinita Pibil is not only a delight for the palate, it is also a symbol of a culture and a heritage of this region!


For the opportunity to visit the Haciendas of the  Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico, check out our Splendor of Yucatan’s Hacienda Custom Itinerary or Family Weekend Escape to the Yucatan Tour (customizable).


Exclusive Journey Mexico Offers:

Hacienda San Jose CholulHacienda Uayamon – 4th Night Free:  Stay 3 nights and receive a complimentary 4th night stay.

Hacienda Santa Rosa & Hacienda Temozon – With a minimum stay of 3 nights you will enjoy a complimentary gourmet lunch or dinner for 2.

Beyond the Beaches: Get Up Close and Personal with Mexico’s Wildlife

Both on land and by sea, Mexico has a rich ecosystem home to a diverse array of flora and fauna.


With an impressive reef system on the east, and what Jacques Cousteau calls the “Aquarium of the World” on the west, the natural wonders that exist beneath the seas surrounding Mexico are easy to access but hard to forget!   Dolphins, mantarays, tropical fish, reef sharks, and sea lions are some of the marine wildlife in Mexico, but the true highlights are gray whales, sea turtles and whale sharks.
Some of the world’s best whale watching happens here in Mexico. The Pacific Gray Whales migrate thousands of miles every year from the frigid waters the Bering Sea off of Alaska’s coast to the warm, protected lagoons of the Baja Peninsula. This journey is the longest known mammal migration in the world and draws nature and whale watching enthusiasts and novices alike from around the world.

These great animals have been hunted nearly to extinction for hundreds of years but with Journey Mexico, you’ll interact with conversationalists to learn about what is being done to preserve these incredible creatures and their mating grounds. Prepare yourself for an up close meeting with these magnificent creatures and experience whale watching in Mexico, one of the world’s most memorable wildlife encounters.

The whale shark is the world’s largest living fish.  Their narrow mouths extends across the full width of a flattened head and they are harmless and even curious about human beings.  These mighty whale sharks can be seen off of the coast of the Yucatan Peninsula, near Cancun, Isla Mujeres, and Isla Contoy in the open waters  in the Caribbean Ocean. On the Pacific Coast, the whale sharks swim near the state of Oaxaca and in the Sea of Cortez.  A swim with a whale shark will make even the biggest admirer feel small in comparison!

For generations, sea turtles have played a key role in Mexican culture in native coastal communities.  In addition, they have provided a significant part of the livelihood of a large number of coastal fishermen. In the past 20 years, a combination of factors, including unlimited exploitation, the low percentage of hatchlings which survive to adulthood, and environmental degradation, have resulted in the turtles becoming endangered in Mexico.  The Mexican Government in partnership with the NGO community and private businesses has been working hard to protect Mexican Sea Turtles through out the country.  There are currently sea turtle preservation programs on the Baja Peninsula and up and down the Pacific Coast that offer extraordinary up close experiences for interested travelers, like the Magdalena Bay Sea Turtle Monitoring Camp!  Hatchling releases, sea turtle monitoring, and open ocean sea turtle viewings allow visitors to witness these remarkable creatures in their natural habitat while ensuring their presence for generations to come.Wildlife Encounters in Baja California Sur - RED/Journey Mexico



In addition to underwater, the jungles of Mexico and tropical forest provide a healthy habitat for an diverse number of wildlife, plants, and birds on land; and in central Mexico the monarch butterflies captivate any visitor. The Monarchs Butterflies embark on an annual migration to Mexico that is unmatched by any other butterfly in the world.  Starting in October, just east of the Rocky Mountains, these graceful creatures float the wind currents to the forests high in the mountains of Michoacan and the State of Mexico.  They travel much farther than all other butterflies, up to 4,000 miles, and amazingly, they fly to the same wintering spot, often to the exact same oyamel tree. Still a mystery to humans, somehow the butterflies navigate their way every year even though the butterflies returning to Mexico each fall are the great-great-grandchildren of the butterflies that left the previous spring! The annual cycle spans five whole generations! In Mexico, the wintering grounds are protected sanctuaries by UNESCO World Heritage which contribute to the conservation efforts of these lovely, delicate creatures.
Morelia Magic Migration Butterflies
Birdwatching in Mexico is a birdwatchers paradise.  North to south, east to west, the diversity and plenitude of the birds of Mexico has been a draw for experts for years.  In Northern Mexico, we can see wild parrots, Roseate Spoonbills, McCaws and Trogansand to name a few.  Move a little west and across the Sea of Cortez and you find yourself in Osprey territory and in the company of the Baja Peninsula’s family of Cormorants (seabirds).  Further south into the Bay of Banderas and you will be easily surrounded by the cries of the 317 bird species that live along the coast of Puerto Vallarta.  Banderas Bay still harbors some of the last remaining populations of Green Macaws in the world.  On the Gulf Coast, if you time your trip right, you can see twenty species of raptors sail over Veracruz, including turkey vultures, Swainson’s hawks, Mississippi kites, and Kestrels, which are dynamic little falcons. Most of the hawks are broadwings traveling from the eastern United States to wintering areas from Mexico to Brazil.  In Southern Mexico, bird watchers revel in the sightings in El Triunfo in Chiapas, Calakmul in Campeche, and Celestun,  Rio Lagartos, and  Sian Ka’an in Quintana Roo/Yucatan Peninsula.

Ready to interact with the wildlife of Mexico?

If you’re interested in traveling to Mexico to experience the wildlife upclose and personal, browse our sample itineraries below or  contact Journey Mexico today.

Private Tour to Swim with Whale Sharks – Live the thrilling experience of swimming next to the biggest fish in the planet, the Whale Shark, off the coast near to Cancun in the open waters of the Mexican-Caribbean Sea.

Monarch Butterfly Migration – Witness the natural phenomenon of the Monarch Butterfly migration at the UNESCO World Heritage Butterfly Reserves and learn about a variety of historical and cultural features that are unique to the region while also visiting several charming nearby towns like Patzcuaro and Santa Clara del Cobre.

Sea Turtles and Whale Watching – Explore the protected lagoons of the Pacific Ocean and Sea of Cortez, allowing for magnificent encounters with marine wildlife. The tour combines Journey Mexico’s signature high quality tours with the internationally recognized work of the Groupo Tortuguero to create a meaningful experience for both our guests and the communities and environments they visit!

Wildlife Encounters in Baja California Sur (Sustainable) – Travel to places visited by few outsiders  for authentic  interaction with the wildlife of the Sea of Cortez. Whale watching, mule trekking, sea-turtle monitoring, swimming with sea lions, tropical fish and dolphins, whale shark spotting, and migratory bird sightings make up much of the activities; complemented by a close interaction with the people and traditional culture of the region.


Read more… Mexico’s Top Wildlife Adventure

Oaxaca & The Rise of Mezcal

Our friends at AFAR recently published a fascinating feature, The Rise of Mezcal: Great for Cocktails, Better for Oaxaca by Chris Colin, in their magazine. Below are some excepts from the article on how mezcal is changing Oaxaca’s landscape:

That fancy new mezcal in your favorite bar is changing everything in the villages of Oaxaca.

[Asis] Cortés [owner of the Mezcalogía bar]  hails from a small town where his family has made mezcal since before the American Civil War. Remote family distilleries have long been features of the landscape here, as familiar as the agave plants themselves. Culturally if not culinarily, they were essentially moonshine operations. They seldom distributed farther than the neighbor’s house, and usually in an old Coke bottle. Putting a label on it? Selling it beyond Oaxaca? Mixing it in a cocktail glass? These notions were foreign. Then the world shrank, and foreign ceased to exist.

Globalization found Oaxaca and coaxed forth its beloved beverage. If you’re a drinker, you’ve likely seen mezcal kale its way to near ubiquity in recent years. Any bartender with a half-decent mustache has a memorable mezcal cocktail at the ready, while your purists sip it straight, calling out notes of pine or banana, or cardamom, or chocolate, or ash, or almond. To the old mezcaleros in the hills of Oaxaca, this is a baffling new phenomenon.

To me, it can feel like an overly familiar one: just the latest obscure consumable being discovered, appropriated, and fetishized by the disposable-income set. But to the kids of those mezcaleros, this phenomenon is something else entirely. Channel things just right, navigate the country’s byzantine export hurdles just so, and the old moonshine could become the basis of a sustainable local economy, and a first-ever alternative to deep endemic poverty.


To read Chris’ full article, and his adventures to a mezcal producing family at the center of Oaxaca’s massive changes, click hereThe Rise of Mezcal: Great for Cocktails, Better for Oaxaca by Chris Colin.


If AFAR’s article has inspired you to discover Oaxaca and mezcal for yourself, check out our top recommendations for planning your Journey Mexico custom itinerary to Oaxaca:

Artisanal Mezcal Experience – During this full-day experience you will journey through the valley of Oaxaca to three pueblos, which make premium Mezcal at simple yet authentic distilleries.

Far from the tourist track, the mezcalerias in San Dionisio Ocotopec, San Baltazar Chichicapam and Santa Catarina Minas produce quality mezcal using varied distillation methods. Visiting the producers in each town, you will learn how donkey-power is still used in the fermentation process and learn about the differences between distillation using the traditional copper still and the pre-Columbian clay still. Upon tasting a variety of mezcal, you will appreciate the wide-ranging and distinct tastes of the spirit that can depend so much on the agave used and how it is distilled.

Off the Beaten Track, Boutique Mezcal Experience – This full-day experience will take you on a journey 3 hours outside of Oaxaca, right to the heart of fine mezcal country. Deep in the Sierra Madre de Oaxaca along the Totolapan River you will descend upon a small pueblo of 300 inhabitants, home to the producers of some of the best quality mezcal in the world. Many of the most expensive brands of mezcal source the spirit here at San Luis del Rio.

The producers will take you step-by-step through the process of mezcal production. You will learn how long it takes for the agave to mature, how it is fermented using ‘donkey power’ and what techniques are used to distill this spirit that the locals refer to as the elixir of the gods.

You will, of course, have a chance to try some of the local spirit. Upon tasting a variety of mezcals, you will appreciate the wide-ranging and distinct tastes of the spirit that can depend so much on the agave used and how it is distilled.   Should you wish, you will have a chance to buy the locally produced mezcal at the fraction of the cost that it is sold elsewhere. However, this is entirely at your discretion and non-obligatory.



Best of Oaxaca: Culture, Mezcal, & Beach – This complete sample itinerary is designed to immerse you in the best of what Oaxaca has to offer. Spend your days strolling the friendly city center lined with vibrant colonial buildings, meet the families of nearby local communities to learn about their indigenous traditions, take a break to unwind with some mezcal and taste your way thorough Oaxaca’s unique gastronomy. The itinerary ends on Oaxaca’s coast in the beachside town of Puerto Escondido.

Azul Oaxaca – Bouqitue Hotel Azul in Oaxaca’s city center describes itself as a hotel gallery and rightly so. Clean wooden design and contemporary Mexican-tiled floors, coupled with installation art pieces and walls of tall San Pedro cacti make this hotel ooze modern cool, while never totally straying from its traditional Oaxacan roots. The rooftop bar offers spectacular views over downtown and offers mezcal and mezcal cocktails.

Casa Oaxaca – Boutique Hotel Casa Oaxaca effortlessly combines contemporary design  with traditional architecture and is located right in the heart of Oaxaca’s historic center. The local roots of the hotel appear throughout, with textiles from Oaxacan artisans and walls adorned with artwork from local artists.  In-house Chef Alejandro Ruiz is world-renowned for his contemporary Oaxaca food and the La Terraza rooftop bar around the corner offers a selection of mezcal you can drink by the glass or pitcher.




>>Next from AFAR: How to Drink Mezcal in Oaxaca City

Tips for Family Travel in Mexico

Family travel is a special time for bonding and learning about one another. We understand that a trip has to suit all ages and what your 6 year old finds cool and fascinating might not be the same case for your teenage. Luckily, Mexico is the perfect destination for any type of family vacation whether it’s cultural, beach, or adventure. Follow the below outlined advice, concerns, and tips for a relatively stress-free family vacation in Mexico.

Preparedness and Safety

In terms of safety, Mexico is still a safe destination for the savvy traveler despite common misconceptions! For a detailed outline, visit the safety section on our website, but generally speaking, resort areas  such as Cancun, Riviera Maya,  Los Cabos, Puerto Vallarta, Punta Mita and cultural destinations like Oaxaca, Puebla, Mexico City, and Guanajuato  do not see high levels of violence or crime.  As with any travel, you should always exercise caution and be aware of your surroundings, even more so in a group with children. Be sure your children are always equipped with contact information in case they ever wander off.

Once you’ve made the decision to have a fun-filled family holiday in Mexico, there are some basic pre-travel tips you should follow. This includes creating copies of all passports and ids, leaving contact information of the hotel and itinerary with someone back home, and ensuring your children know about the journey that lies ahead (including language barriers and other new experiences they might encounter). In some countries, it is recommend to register your travel with your home embassy or consulate; registration allows you to record information and can assist you in case of an emergency.

The most important travel tip we can provide is make sure you pre-arrange transportation from the airport to your hotel. As if juggling a whole family wasn’t enough, think about adding everyone’s luggage, and documents, and other obstacles to that mix! Having someone waiting for your family, easily noticeable with your last name on a sign in hand, and willing to maneuver your luggage for you, takes off a lot of stress and eliminates  scurrying around last minute trying to find a taxi.

Puerto Vallarta Adventure Family

Eating and Drinking

In beach destinations, there is no shortage of a variety of food and there is something to please even the most picky eater. However, if  opting for a more cultural family journey though Mexico’s interior, the variety is limited. For kids, generally, quesadillas or fideo noodles are a satisfactory choice. If planning to  bring an infant, no need to fill your luggage allowance with baby food and diapers — most grocery stores carry brands like Gerber, Pedialyte, Huggies, and Pampers.  Be sure your family stays hydrated and replenished with bottled water and remember, do not drink any tap water unless your are sure your hotel has a thorough purified system running throughout.

It’s no secret that Mexican food sometimes doesn’t sit well with all travelers  so it never hurts to bring with you some anti-acid and pepto.   If anyone does fall victim of Montezcumas Revenge, it is recommended to supplement their treatment with a flavored bottle water called “Electrolit” – you can get it at any pharmacy (or similiar) store. It is intended to restore electrolytes for children 6 and older and can help ease the toll of the sickness.

Mexico Family Beach Vacations

Mexico’s resorts are the most popular with families, specifically all-inclusives that offer a “worry-free” stay with kids’ programs, daycare, and entertainment to keep everyone happy. However keep in mind that some hotels are certainly more family-friendly than others and that the wording “Kids Club” can mean a lot of different things (and ages!). It is recommended to always do your research, whether it’s reading reviews from TripAdvisor or consulting with a professional Mexico planner who can help you choose the right property. A good tip is to choose a hotel that offers both a kiddie pool and adults only pool; if the kids are in camp for the day it will be nice to treat yourself to some grown-up quiet time.

Do not assume at all beaches in Mexico are swimmable or suitable for children; there are areas along Mexico’s coastline with rough waves either regularly or as a result of current weather conditions. Again, a destination-specific consultant will be able to best advise.

As tempting as it may be to spend your entire vacation days at your resort, be sure to take at least one or two day trips! Mexico has wonderful opportunities for outings such as themed parks, water parks,an array  archaeological ruins and other activities. In Cancun/Riviera Maya we recommend Xcaret, Xel-Ha, and Tulum; in Mexico City, Chapultepec Park, Six Flags, or Teotihuacan can be great for all ages;  in Puerto Vallarta we recommend zip lining or a snorkeling or whale watching tour (winter season); and in Puebla, AfriCam Safari or panroamic views on one of the world’s largest ferris wheels are both fantastic options. In most Mexican cities you visit, there is always a main square or “zocalo” which is always a fun family experience; let the youngins’  buy a balloon or small trinket from the street peddlers while the teens soak in their surroundings and culture with all their senses stimulated.



Mexico Family Cultural Vacations

Mexico’s interior is full of numerous architectural and archaeological wonders and there is definitely a way to incorporate this into your family itinerary in a fun way that everyone can enjoy. The first and most important  suggestion is to coordinate a private tour so your family can move at their own pace, stay together, and visit what interests them most. From there, there are several different “spins” you can put on these traditional tours – for example renting a bike at the Mayan ruins of Coba , shuffling around on a Segway through Mexico City while visiting its many museums, or dressing up in a traditional miner’s uniform while exploring the mines of Guanajuato. Often times, these added twists aren’t easily found on the internet and it is always best to work with a travel consultant who knows the most reliable providers.



Ready to Plan your Family Vacation to Mexico? Check our sample itineraries here:

Riviera Maya Family Adventure – Ancient ruins, horseback riding, zip lining, snorkeling, and beach time is a great way to fit in culture, adventure, luxurious relaxation, and nature.

Oaxaca Family Adventure – Traditional artisan towns, hands on arts and crafts, pre-Colombian archaeological sites, unique nature encounters, swimming in natural springs, and beach days in Huatulco are a great way to combine sun and culture for the family.

Los Cabos Family Adventure – Pinata workshops, relaxing at the pool, swimming with dolphins and snorkeling is sure to appeal to all ages!

Custom Family Vacations in Mexico

Other Resources:
 Best Family Hotels and Resorts in Mexico
Best Villas for a Family Vacation In Mexico
How to Travel in San Miguel Allende with a Toddler
GlobeTotting Blog: Mexico with Kids


#MexicoJourney Through Colonial Mexico and Baja California Sur

This month, Journey Mexico will welcome 12 of the most seasoned tour operators and travel agents from the UK, Germany, Russia, USA, China, and Netherlands on an exclusive visit to Mexico City, Colonial Mexico, and the Baja California Sur Peninsula.   Accompanied by our General Manager, Matteo Luthi, a few of our staff members and some of Mexico’s finest local guides, the group will embark on a 13 day #MexicoJourney to explore the vibrant capital of Mexico City; visit the multilayered history of highland silver cities and colonial towns of San Miguel Allende and Guanajuato;  and then continue on to the town Tequila in Jalisco, The trip ends in the peninsula of Baja California, with an adventure in La Paz, Isla Espiritu Santo, Todos Santos, and Los Cabos.

Join the trip virtually as we will be posting photos and real-time updates as we discover and scout Mexico May 20th through June 1st.







Wellness and Spa in San Miguel de Allende

Winning numerous “best” and “must-visit” awards in the past couple years –including the 2013 Condé Nast Traveler Top City in the World award– San Miguel Allende is a beloved tourist destination sitting in the middle of Colonial Mexico. It blends the most attractive aspects of small-town rural living with the cosmopolitan indulgences of a big city. While most travelers come to San Miguel to walk its cobblestone paths and immerse themselves in its cultural and artistic riches, there is another big draw to the city waiting to be revealed and enjoyed — its wellness and spa offerings.

San Miguel Allende is a destination that allows for a complete rest and rejuvenation escape. Its geography provides the perfect paradise where relaxation and wellness are in a natural state: pleasant spring climate year round, average altitude with little rain, and nearby hot springs. Some locals even believe that the town was built on a bed of quartz crystals, amplifying its rejuvenating nature. It also boasts some of the most luxurious boutique hotel and spas. If you want a different kind of vacation in Mexico or  just want a few days to pamper yourself before heading home, consider a spa vacation in San Miguel Allende.


rejuvenating spa treatments

Casa Sierra Nevada
Our favorite boutique hotel in San Miguel de Allende, is a cluster of  beautifully restored colonial mansions providing an old-world setting of lush gardens, stone arches, pretty courtyards and beautiful fountains. The property is distinctive in their offerings which include a traditional Mexican cooking school, an award-winning  restaurant for gastronomic dining, and of course its unpretentious pampering at the Laja Spa. Paying tribute to the magnificent Laja River that flows through the mountains and into San Miguel, the spa is a haven of tranquility and rejuvenation combining traditional and modern practices. They have an array of spa treatments and packages and offer a detoxifying temazcal steam bath to engage guests spirits and immerse them in one of Mexico’s most honored (and relaxing!) rituals.
Spa in San Miguel Casa Sierra Nevada



kick-start your fitness plan

Sagrada Boutique Hotel 
Located in picturesque mountains on a 18-acre sanctuary just outside San Miguel de Allende, Sagrada (meaning sacred in English) is a boutique all-inclusive eco-resort specializing in yoga and pilates retreats. Guests stay in adobe cabañas with panoramic views and can rejuvenate with daily hikes, nourishing gourmet meals and spa services. Most recommended is to experience the power of Sauna la Lena, where natural mesquite wood and essential oils are used to detoxify and enliven the spirit. Sagrada Boutique Hotel allows guests to fully customize their restorative vacation to meet their own personal needs.


relax and recharge your batteries

Rosewood San Miguel Allende
Our favorite luxury hotel in town, was built in the style of an 18th century hacienda but provides all modern comforts a discerning traveler would expect, including a world-class spa. Sense, a Rosewood Spa was inspired by San Miguel’s positive energy and provides signature treatments that integrate Mexican healing traditions with indigenous ingredients. They have created several ‘journeys’  ranging from a unique  multi-sensory experience to a traditional massage/facial/manicure package. Their treatments and therapies are some of the most extensive in San Miguel Allende, along with its facilities.

Spa in Rosewood San Miguel Allende



herbal healing and beauty remedies

Hotel Matilda
An avant-garde boutique hotel, Hotel Matilda celebrates innovation and individualism throughout their property and especially at their award-winning holistic spa that stands out for its Apothecary Concierge. Herbal medicine and its beneficial properties are an ancient tradition in Mexico, and the Apothecary Concierge at Spa Matilda personally work with each guest to hand-create with them their very own beauty care concoction using artisanal ingredients. While being led down a sense-stimulating journey of distinctive aromas and textures and learning the healing properties of the natural elements, guests walk out of the experience with a personalized product to fit their needs.



Reconnecting with nature

Natural Thermal Waters
Mexico is home to hundreds of mineral spring sites and just outside San Miguel Allende you can find thermal, alkaline, sulfer, and fresh water springs. As far back as the Aztecs, the waters are believed to have special healing properties and even  age-reversing effects. There are several mineral springs open to the public (called balenarios) between San Miguel Allende and Dolores Hildago that bathers come to visit to relax and soak up the theraputic natural minerals, ease tensions, and soothe tired muscles. The most popular are Escondido Place, La Gruta and Xoté. Escondido is a paradise of five thermal pools (indoor and outdoor) and three covered springs based on a concept of maximum harmony with nature, tranquility, rest, and sustainability of natural resources.

San Miguel de Allende, Mexico - Escondido Mineral Hot Springs



For those interested in traveling to San Miguel Allende , browse our sample itineraries below or contact Journey Mexico today.

Town & Sea: Exploring San Miguel Allende and Zihuatanejo – Discover Mexico’s charms, both land and sea, by exploring the colonial town of San Miguel Allende and the beach destination of Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo. Visit Escondido Mineral Hot Springs where you  can ease your tensions and soothe tired muscles by slipping into pools of steaming, mineral-rich waters in nearby natural springs.

Guanajuato and San Miguel Allende Custome Shark Swim – Take a cultural and artistic journey that is not to be forgotten by visiting the UNESCO World Hertiage Cities of Guanajuato and San Miguel Allende and the Magical Towns, Mineral de Pozos. Marvel at the colonial architecture, meet local chefs and taste the finest of the area’s cuisine, visit the omes and shops of local artisans, and traverse underground passageways and mines.


Los Cabos Continues to Grow

A little over a year ago, Cabo San Lucas and San Jose del Cabo faced incredible devastation due to Hurricane Odile but resiliently bounced back and quickly restored damages, further inspiring them to continue the makeover and push for more. By the end of 2015, Los Cabos not only recovered what was lost, but also debuted new offerings such as increased air lift, Jack Nicklaus and Tiger Woods golf courses, and a handful of 4 and 5* resorts and trendy boutique hotels.  Now, nearing the half of 2016,  Los Cabos has continued to improve the destination easily putting itself in the running as one of the world’s premier luxury travel destinations.


The following new resorts and boutique hotels are open and accepting reservations: The Cape by Thompson Hotels, Breathless by AM Resorts, JW Marriott Los Cabos Beach Resort, Casa del Mar, El Ganzo,  and  Mar Adentro by Encanto.

ME Cabo has reopened following a $16 million renovation featuring completely redesigned rooms, suites and public spaces.  The trendsetting hotel has been updated to exemplify the vibrancy and simplistic elegance of Los Cabos, blending Mexican culture and design with modern resort amenities to create a luxurious beachfront experience. Guests will find themselves in reinvented nightlife, restaurants, bar concepts, a chic pool deck and new beach club. In the fall, together with Blue Marlin Ibiza, ME Cabo will  launch a multi-concept poolside beach club offering lunch, dinner and cocktails by day, and music from cutting-edge DJs by night.

Las Ventanas al Paraiso, a Rosewood Resort – The AAA Five Diamond resort has announced its 2016 once-in-a-lifetime experiences for summer which are a series of unique activities designed to immerse guests in the best of the Baja Peninsula. Among this summer’s offerings include surfing, a tenango linen workshop, a huichol  creativity class, and a wine connoisseur competition.

One & Only Palmilla – Following the complete renovation and resort improvements post-Odile, One & Only Palmilla recently added a private villa to their property: Villa One. Villa One joins Villa Cortez in their private villa rental portfolio, offering 4 bedrooms and dramatic views to the sea and sky.


The Resort at Pedregal has announced they will add private three and four bedroom luxury villas to their property. The first to open is Casa Bella Vista, featuring two Master bedrooms and a guest casita spread across 4,391 sq ft. The villas are nestled in the mountainside and offer impressive panoramic views of Cabo’s marina. Guests will have access to the entire property including restaurants, spa, and resort activities.

The Cape by Thompson Hotels opened its doors in June 2015. and they have been recently been accepted into Virtuoso’s portfolio of preferred luxury travel partners.

Four Seasons Los Cabos at Costa Palmas – Recently announced plans for a luxury resort and private residences in the exclusive Costa Palmas resort community of Los Cabos. The Four Seasons will feature a private marina, yacht club, two miles of beach, multiple pools, multiple restuarants, and a 19-hold golf course designed by Robert Trent Jones II.



A new highway is now open between the SJD airport and Cabo San Lucas. This new toll road is cut through the mountains, parallel with the corridor highway 1 (Carretera Transpeninsular ), and offers a direct way into Cabo San Lucas with shorter travel times and views of the sea.

Two new golf courses will be constructed and designed by Greg Norman. With these additions, there will be a total of sixteen golf courses in Los Cabos, positioning Los Cabos as the #1 destination for golf in Latin America.



The Ritz Carlton Reserve Los Cabos will offer 124 oceanfront villas with private plunge pools in Puerto Los Cabos. (2016)

Le Blanc is currently under construction and will offer an adults-only, luxury all-inclusive option and 250 guest rooms. (2016)

VieVage Los Cabos, an Auberge Resort, located on the stretch of beach within the Chileno Bay is currently under construction and will feature under 100 rooms. (2016)

Park Hyatt will open in Cabo del Sol with meeting and event facilities and 210 rooms. (2016)

Grand Velas Los Cabos – Currently under construction,  Grand Velas will open their first property in Baja California Sur on the corridor between San Jose del Cabo and Cabo San Lucas. The luxury resort will feature 306 all-ocean view suites and five fine dining restaurants.  Grand Velas Los Cabos will offer the superb all-inclusive experience they renowned for.  (2016)

Hard Rock Hotel Los Cabos all-inclusive will feature 600 rooms, six restaurants, meeting space, and multiple swimming pools in the Diamante area. (2017)

Montage Los Cabos will be the first Montage property located outside of the United States. The beachfront resort will be located on the shores of Santa Maria Bay and feature 122 expansive guestrooms and suites, along with 52 Montage Residences across 39-acres. (2017)

NoBu – Japanese chef-turned-hotelier, Nobu Matsuhisa, will open his first NoBu hotel in Mexico. It will feature 200 rooms with a Japanese-influenced design and a signature restaurant. (2017)

Solaz, a Starwood Luxury Collection Resort, has broke ground on their 120-room luxury property along the Los Cabos corridor. Spanning 33 acres, the resort will feature a spa, residences, and a private beach club with architecture and design that pays tribute to Mexico’s contemporary art scene. (2017)




For those interested in traveling to Los Cabos, browse our sample itineraries below or contact Journey Mexico today.

Cabo Opulence and Culture – Private Villa and Local Adventures – Discover the best of both worlds in ultimate luxury and off-the-beaten path culture with this sample itinerary ideal for groups or families. Spend your days off-roading in Jeep adventures to small towns and hidden gems, relax on a private yacht fishing and snorkeling, and enjoy nature at a bird sanctuary and turtle release conservation program.

Todos Santos to Los Cabos Baja Whale Shark Swim – A perfect mix of beach, culture, and interacting with nature, spend your days in the Pueblo Magico of Todos Santos to explore the vibrant artist community, surf the waves at Los Cerritos, and hike a magical nature trail. Also visit  La Paz to swim with whale sharks and finish in Los Cabos for beach time.

Stay A Little Longer: Free Nights at Riviera Maya Hotels

Headed on vacation to Mexico this year? Let us help you spend a little more time in paradise with these extended free night offers from some of our favorite hotels!

Private Villas, Bel Ha or Yuum Ha by Esencia and Hotel Esencia- Riviera Maya

Esencia is a 50-acre private estate in the Riviera Maya on the pristine sands of Xpu-Ha with an indulgent atmosphere fitting of royalty. The private 4 bedroom villas, Villa Bel-Ha and Villa Yuum Ha, are adjacent to the hotel and provide a luxurious and elegant setting to spend a Riviera Maya vacation.

BOOK NOW:  3 nights, receive the 4th night free – Exclusive through Journey Mexico

Boutique Resort in Riviera Maya - Tulum, Hotel Esencia


Rosewood Mayakoba – Riviera Maya

Set upon 1,600 acres of lush jungle and tranquil lagoon that reaches the white sands of Mexico’s Caribbean, Rosewood Mayakoba is a luxurious natural retreat. Service and quality focused, you will find everything you need for the perfect get away.

BOOK NOW:  3 nights, receive the 4th night free 

Playa del Carmen luxury hotel in Mayakoba


Belmond Maroma Resort & Spa – Riviera Maya

Set among verdant jungle beside a white, sandy beach, Belmond Maroma Resort & Spa is pure escapism with a touch of Mayan magic. For those who want a luxury beachfront hotel without forgetting they are in Mexico, the Belmond Maroma is for you.

BOOK NOW:  3 nights, receive the 4th night free 

Boutique resort in Playa de Carmen


Nizuc – Cancun/Riviera Maya

Located right on the far end of the Cancun Hotel Zone, Nizuc offers an entirely different vibe for the more mature vacationer. Once a base station for Maya astronomers and a presidential retreat for world leaders, Nizuc’s latest incarnation is a luxurious beachfront escape spread over 29 acres.

BOOK NOW:  3 nights, receive the 4th night free 

Luxury Hotel Riviera Maya


Fairmont Mayakoba – Riviera Maya

Set around 16km of canal and lagoon, Fairmont Mayakoba is a resort hotel with family in mind. You can walk or cycle from place to place or take the shared golf carts that circulate regularly and while traversing the resort you will likely see exotic birds wandering by or flying past. For extra privacy, the signature casitas offer increased privacy and a lot of space.

BOOK NOW:  2 nights, receive the 3rd night free 

Fairmont Mayakoba luxury resort


In addition to a complimentary extended stay on your next vacation, Journey Mexico can also custom arrange private transportation, tours and excursions so you can have the Riviera Maya vacation you deserve! We recommend visiting  Chichen Itza, Valladolid & Ek Balam   for an exclusive, unique, and expertly guided exploration of some of the most interesting sites in the Yucatan Peninsula, or a private Tulum and Akumal Tour for a great expedition that combines Mayan Culture and the natural experience of snorkeling with  turtles.

All promotions are subject to change at anytime without previous notice; subject to availability; black out and other restrictions may apply – Contact your Journey Mexico Travel Planner for more information.

New Four Seasons to Open in Los Cabos

Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts recently announced plans for a luxury resort and private residences on the pristine beaches of Baja’s eastern shore.  With planning in place for a 2018 opening, Four Seasons Resort Los Cabos at Costa Palmas will be part of the exclusive Costa Palmas resort community.

“Los Cabos has long been a favorite destination for luxury travelers and is a natural fit for Four Seasons as we extend our presence in Mexico. We look forward to inviting our guests from around the world to experience Four Seasons legendary quality and service as they discover the richness and beauty of Baja’s East Cape.” says J. Allen Smith, President and CEO, Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts.

The Four Seasons Los Cabos at Costa Palmas will feature

• 145-key resort
• a private marina and outdoor village and shopping area
• members-only beach and yacht club
• collection of whole-ownership oceanfront, marina-side and golf-side private residences
• custom single-family beachfront private residence villas
• two-mile (3.2 kilometre) stretch of immaculate white-sand beach
• swimmable waters of the Sea of Cortez
• multiple pools
• five dining outlets
• Robert Trent Jones II signature 18-hole golf course
• full-service spa and progressive fitness facilities



“We created Four Seasons Resort Los Cabos for families and groups of friends who appreciate a fresh and mindful approach to resort design and lifestyle.  The Resort is a place for those of all ages who seek both a spirited adventure and impeccable service,” says Jason Grosfeld, founder of Irongate, a full-service real estate development firm. “Positioned on Costa Palmas’ unprecedented two-mile stretch of coastline with a safe, swimmable beach and an international marina, Four Seasons Resort Los Cabos is set to become the preeminent place for family and friends to reconnect year after year.”

The East Cape’s location on the warm, crystal-clear waters of the Sea of Cortez makes for excellent snorkelling and diving, some of the world’s best light tackle and sport fishing, and world-class windsurfing and kite boarding. The idyllic setting at the base of the Sierra de la Laguna Mountains also offers endless opportunities for land adventure, from hiking, biking and horseback riding to exploring waterfalls, spring-fed freshwater pools and hot springs. With fresh water coming off the mountains throughout the year, the East Cape also provides ideal conditions for organic farming.

Four Seasons Resort Los Cabos at Costa Palmas marks the third addition to the company’s growing Mexican collection, which currently includes properties in Punta Mita and Mexico City. The Resort will join an exclusive collection of Four Seasons resorts in destinations including the Maldives, Seychelles, Bora Bora, Koh Samui, and Hawaii.

For more information on Four Seasons Resort Los Cabos at Costa Palmas  visit www.costapalmas.com.
Read full press release here: Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts and Irongate Announce Plans for Luxury Resort in Los Cabos

A Unique Encounter With Mexico’s Monarch Butterflies

by  Richard Scotti and Traudel Schottenloher

Our vision for our recent adventure travels with Journey Mexico was to explore spectacular creatures of Mexico and the mysteries of ancient cultures, centered in and around Mexico City. Our travels during 6 days in February 2016 were more than perfect; they were transformational! We both developed new perspectives on nature and deepened our understanding of these mysteries in exciting ways. Last year’s travel with Journey Mexico showed us the differences between travels where adventure is created by well organized travel plans directed towards what we really want to do and see, and travels where adventure is created by unexpected difficulties and disappointments. Journey Mexico’s organization and teamwork for our trip was immaculate and everything went so well that we were able to focus fully on why we were on this trip: To experience Monarch Butterflies in their winter habitat in the state of Michoacan, to learn more about their yearly 3000 mile migration between the USA and Mexico, and to witness the mystery and marvel of the Aztec and Mayan cultures first hand.

We were taken to off-track, old world restaurants that served exotic Mexican dishes that were beyond our taste-imaginations; and we were graciously, lovingly served as we have never been served before. We spent several wonder-filled days & nights at a resort just outside of Zitácuro named Hotel Rancho San Cayetano, which was utterly charming, immaculately furnished, with outstanding service and never-to-be-forgotten food. It was such a relaxing joy to extend our discussions over another cup of breakfast coffee, along with home cooked breads, pastries, fresh fruits and traditional Mexican dishes, or over another glass of excellent wine, on Rancho San Cayetano’s restaurant terrace, on the porch of our apartment or on the grass by the pool.

The Monarch Butterfly preserve at Mariposa is absolutely amazing. How can anyone describe what it feels like to hike 1000 vertical feet through beautiful, solitary forests where each step higher brings ever more butterflies, until near the top of the preserve, visitors are astonished by the sight and sound (yes, sound) of (literally) millions of Monarchs “doing their thing”. Even one butterfly brings a smile to most faces. Just imagine the smiles produced by countless beautiful Monarchs in a moving tapestry from the grass to the treetops. This joy was also reflected in all the faces we met, no matter what country or culture they were from.


There are probably many ways to explore the Aztec and Mayan cultures, but one of the best, especially at the start, was for us at the world-famous National Museum of Anthropology in Mexico City. Our knowledgeable Journey Mexico guide made our visit entirely productive and enjoyable. He took us to the right places, showed us many special features, and was able to describe what we were seeing and to answer all of our questions. We were continuously fascinated by what we saw and amazed by what we learned about these ancient civilizations of Mexico and Central America.

In Mexico City we also enjoyed staying at the luxurious 4 Seasons Hotel and eating at several wonderful restaurants. Our final days in the city were a fitting ending for a really great trip and relaxing vacation. The only thing we now feel that could be improved upon would be to have doubled the length of our visit. Thank you, Journey Mexico, for your help and excellent service in creating and actualizing a wonderful, unforgettable adventure travel experience for us.


Want to visit the MONARCH BUTTERFLIES reservers in MEXICO? Browse the following sample itineraries:

Morelia and the Monarch Butterfly Migration – Discover Morelia and witness the natural phenomenon of the Monarch Butterfly migration while also getting to visit several charming nearby towns.

Magical Mexican Migrations: Pacific Whales and Highland Butterflies – An awarded tour by National Geographic, encounter  both of these extraordinary congregations of wildlife by first visiting Morelia and continuing on to the coast of the Sea of Cortez.

Vallarta-Nayarit Beaches, Islas Marietas and Sayulita, Named Among the Best in the World

Some of the world’s most beautiful beaches can be found in Mexico, where there are approximately 450 of them lining its expansive coastlines. Among them: Playa Escondida (Hidden Beach) in the Islas Marietas and the beach at Sayulita, which were recognized as tops in the country in recent popularity lists compiled by The Guardian, USA Today, and Travel + Leisure.

“Both USA Today and Travel + Leisure are very prestigious media and together they represent over 30 million impressions within our Natural Market,” said Marc Murphy, Managing Director of the Riviera Nayarit Convention and Visitors Bureau. Thanks to its astounding natural beauty, Playa Escondida has been among the triggers that have lead to an increase in tourism to the Riviera Nayarit.

Islas Marietas’ Playa Escondida (Hidden Beach)
3rd place on USA Today’s “Best Mexico Beaches
10th place on The Guardian’s “Top 50 Beaches in the World”

“An underground beach sounds like the stuff of legend, but the Marietas Islands, where Hidden Beach lies, were used as a military testing ground by the Mexican government in the early 1900s, and it’s suspected that a bomb may have created the crater in which it sits. Access to this crescent within a gaping circular hole in the landscape, is by swimming or kayaking through a long tunnel. Many operators run boat trips here from Puerto Vallarta, but the sea is rough and you have to swim in beside treacherous rocks. But it’s stunning – Jacques Cousteau was a fan – with the bonus of possibly spotting a humpback whale on the way.” – The Guardian, Top 50 Beaches in the World



 Sayulita Beach
8th place on Travel + Leisure’s “Best Mexico Beaches”

“This trendy beach (and former fishing village) has become a Mexican hotspot, attracting surfers, families, and even musicians. Just a few steps from the beach are tons of great shops, cafés, and restaurants—this is one of the few places in the world where you can get a gorgeous (and pricy) one-of-a-kind pearl necklace, followed by a dirt-cheap fish taco.” – Travel + Leisure, Top Beaches in Mexico

sayulita-ocvFor more information, visit RivieraNayarit.com. Photos courtesy of Puerto Vallarta, Riviera Nayarit OCV.


Ready to Visit Vallarta-Nayarit?

Browse our collection of Puerto Vallarta, Sayulita and Punta Mita sample itineraries 


3 Must-Know Things Happening at Journey Mexico Right Now

Well, we’re wrapping up the first quarter here at Journey Mexico and we have some news we’d like to share!


1) We’re Hiring

We’re looking for some amazing, passionate, inspired travel gurus to join the Journey Mexico team! We are currently and urgently looking to fill the position of Director of Business Development. This exciting and professional position includes creating and nurturing travel trade relationships, fast paced and high energy networking, and travel throughout the USA, Europe and Asia for  up to 22 weeks each year. If this is of interest to you or someone you know and you have 5-7 years experience in the luxury travel industry and/or marketing and business development, we invite you to read more details and apply here.



2) We’re Headed to Tequila!

Despite challenging times for Mexico in the press over recent years, our team has grown exponentially to over 40 employees to meet the demand of travelers interested in visiting our beautiful country. To continue our efforts of growing in the right direction, we will be holding a corporate summit in Guadalajara and Tequila this April. Together our team from all offices will collaborate collectively to develop solutions to problems, introduce new strategies, and fuel harmony across the organization. In addition, we will be conducting live, in-the-field product training as we explore the Magical Village of Tequila; we invite everyone to follow along our journey as we will all be sharing our experience via social media with hashtag #JourneyTequila.



3) We Launched a New Program

What goes hand-in-hand with our brand of luxury travel and exclusive Mexico experiences? Private villa rentals in Mexico, of course. For that reason, we’ve combined our expertise of Mexico as a unique, cultural destination with our ability to offer bespoke service to create a high quality villa program which features over 120 private rental homes hand-picked and vetted by our Villa Program Manager, Sean Emmerton. To browse our collection of villas, visit www.villas.journeymexico.com



5 Top Luxury Mexico Vacations for Spring

Spring is a great time to travel, and Mexico is closer than you think. Although temperatures are excellent throughout the year, spring is exceptional in most destinations. Here are 5 top luxury Mexico vacations for this spring:

Los Cabos – San Jose del Cabo and Cabo San Lucas

Located in Baja California, Los Cabos is famous for world class golf, whale watching, sea kayaking and coastal hiking. For the most luxurious accommodations, we recommend Hotel Rosewood Las Ventanas al Paraiso, a 5-star venue in Cabo San Lucas. This upscale resort is all about pampering! Relax in front of your suite’s terra cotta fireplace, renew your soul in our world-class spa or savor the gourmet cuisine in one of the on-site eateries. The Rosewood Las Ventanas is a Mexican paradise nestled between the ocean and the desert.  Another great option is The Resort at Pedregal, carved into the mountainside, this beautiful resort overlooks the ocean, where the Pacific meets the Sea of Cortez. The Resort of Pedregal that is reached through the only privately-owned tunnel in Mexico has everything you need for the most wonderful vacation in Cabo San Lucas.
The Resort at Pedregal - Los Cabos | Journey Mexico


Riviera Maya

Located on the historic Yucatan Peninsula and bordering the Mexican-Caribbean Coast, you can experience the best of the old and new when you stay at the Hotel Rosewood Mayakoba in the Riviera Maya. Surrounded by the lush jungle with white beaches at your doorstep, this luxury resort is the perfect mixture of natural beauty and sophisticated refinement. If you’re looking for a little more privacy, renting a villa in Riviera Maya might be a better option, such as the 4bd, 4bath Casa del Agua. Here are a few things you can do during your stay:

• View the ancient Mayan ruins including Edzna, Chichen Itza and Coba.
• Float the peaceful waters at Celestun, an innovative eco-reserve.
• Explore Valladolid, a beautiful colonial town.
• Bask in the glory of the Mexican sun and cool off in the bright-turquoise Caribbean waters!

Rosewood Mayakoba Playa del Carmen hotel


Mexico City

One of the largest and most industrious cities in the world, Mexico City offers the perfect mix of modern sophistication and old-world tradition. During your stay, you’ll discover some of the finest dining and shopping in the world as well a variety of cultural sites like the Catedral Metropolitana, Palacio Nacional and Teotihuacan. If you’re looking for a great place to stay, we recommend the hotels: Busué , St. Regis Mexico City, and  Gran Hotel Ciudad de Mexico which has a spectacular view of Mexico City’s Historic Centre!
El Angel Mexico City



If your mouth waters at the thought of authentic Mexican cuisine, Puebla is the perfect destination for your next trip south of the border!  In addition to sampling the local fare, you can learn to make some of these dishes by taking the Mexican Cooking Course at Meson Sacristia.  If you’re planning a visit to this internationally recognized destination, we recommend the Hotel La Purificadora – a boutique hotel, once a water-purification plant, later renovated by legendary Mexican architect Ricardo Legorreta. Another great option is Casa Reyna where with a minimum stay of 3 nights you will enjoy a complimentary gourmet meal (JM Exclusive)!
La Purificadora Boutique Hotel | Puebla



Visit the heart of Mexico to learn more about this country’s past. Discover the colonial architecture, learn more about famous Mexican artists and view one of the world’s biggest silver mines. While you’re visiting Guanajuato, consider staying at the Quinta Las Acacias, a boutique hotel with just 17 opulent rooms; Edelmira, another boutique property offering impressive and colorful city views;  or Villa Maria Cristina, a relaxing refuge from the city center.




These top luxury Mexico vacations are considered safe for travel by the US Department of State, so come and enjoy!

A Journey to Mexico’s Pacific Coast in Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo

Mexico’s Pacific Coast boasts some of the country’s most luxurious resorts as well as picturesque coastal views and great watersports. In the neighboring beach towns of Ixtapa and Zihuatanejo, visitors can find two distinct vacation experiences wrapped up into one destination making it one of Mexico’s most unique and attractive beach escapes.


Ixtapa was originally a fisherman and coconut farmer’s town before it a was developed strategically to become a tourism destination by Mexico’s government. With tourism investments and infrastructure arriving in the 1970s, Ixtapa now boasts high-rise hotels and resorts, upscale shopping, a bustling marina, an array of restaurants, and clean, urbanized areas. Ixtapa has two hotel zones that span a wide bay,  covering  the beaches of El Palmar, Playa Linda, and Playa Quieta and appeals to all types of travelers whether it be relaxing sun-seekers or adreneline pumping adventureers.


Capella Ixtapa

Nestled on a cliff edge and gently bathed in the ocean breeze, Capella Ixtapa enjoys impressive views over the Pacific Ocean.  The entire resort boasts soft curves and low light, giving a calm, relaxed feel that allows the stunning vista to speak for itself.  Rated consistently as one of Mexico’s leading hotels in luxury and service (most recently by Trip Advisor, Condé Nast Traveler, and US Travel News), Capella Ixtapa’s all-suite resort features spacious master bedrooms filled with the orchestrated scent of lotus flower, impressive views from every window,  and a private terrace with plunge pool. Divided into 5 towers with 7 floors built strategically into the cliff, the hotel does not have a beach, but what it lacks in sand, it more than makes up in wow-factor and privacy. Not to mention, Playa Linda beach is just a 5-minute bike ride away on a beautifully paved trail, with bicycles provided complimentary by the hotel.

In the common areas guests will find beautiful bougainvilleas pathways leading to either the library, two infinity pools overlooking the ocean, the terrace bar with an impressive selection of tequilas, or one of the three restaurants that offer a variety of top-class cuisine from fresh seafood to Mexican classics. A Mares is Capella’s signature restaurant offering a changing, seasonal menu using local, fresh produce and seafood where each dish is prepared to represent the authentic flavors of the Pacific Coast. The best way to experience their clean, innovative meal concepts is through the four course tasting menu, paired with a wine from their Mexican wine selection. However, for a unique way to taste the zest of the coast, travelers will love the dining experience at The Seafood Market where they can choose from a selection of the day’s catch brought in from local fisherman. After selecting and weighing their choice of snapper, octopus, shrimp, lobster, and other local speciaites, the chef will match their taste buds and cravings with a suggestion of different ways to prepare, season, and grill their choices.

To indulge further in the luxury of the resort, guests can head to the spa that offers a great variety of treatments ranging from traditional massages to native-herb-infused experiences. The fully-equipped gym and yoga classes also allow guests to keep up with their fitness regimes while on vacation.

capella-ixtapa-jm-2 capella-ixtapa-jm capella-ixtapa-seafoodmarket




Just 6.5km (4m) from Ixtapa is Zihuatanejo, a still-quaint fishing village nestled into the mountains around a small, narrow bay. Unlike Ixtapa which is maintained with federal funds to boost tourism, Zihuatanenjo relies mostly on the local city government, thus the ability to implement their own ideas based on retaining the town’s local and authentic laid-back essence and charm. Zihuatanejo has several beaches but its star attraction is Playa La Ropa which features about a mile long strip of soft sand, palapa-style seafood restaurants serving the catch of the day,  and crashing blue waves. Voted one of Mexico’s best beaches by Trip Advisor, it also offers an array of water sports including parasailing, kayaking, jet-skiing, SUP-ing, and of course, fishing. The downtown area is also a draw for tourists to experience a traditional Mexican center with its traditional wooden structures and terracotta-tiled roofs, papel picado lined winding streets, and an array of friendly owners of galleries and folk art boutiques.

Viceroy Zihuatanejo

Sitting directly on Playa de Ropa in the beautiful Zihuatenejo Bay, Viceroy Zihuatanejo offers over three hundred meters of private beach for guests to enjoy. Recently voted as one of Mexico’s Top 25 Hotels by Trip Advisor, and included in the Top 40 Resorts in Mexico by Condé Nast Traveler, the luxury property boasts suites offering ocean views, spacious living areas, a private plunge pool, and state-of-the-art technology for complete comfort.

Viceroy Zihuatanejo features two on-site gourmet restaurants, La Villa and La Marea, which offer Mexican and Mediterranean cuisine respectively. The hotel recently brought on a new chef, Eduardo Avila, who is passionate about offering guests a memorable dining experience of traditional Mexican flavor  and using regional, fresh ingredients in his nutritionally-balanced menus.  As far as seafood dishes go, the Huachinango Crujiente (Crispy Red Snapper) is one of his finest contemporary interpretations of Mexican cuisine with Mediterranean influence using local seasonings and fresh snapper displayed beautifully on a bed of flavorful paella-style rice.

In addition to luxury accommodations and gourmet dining options, the Viceroy Zihuatanejo is also taking strides to be environmentally responsible and sustainable that extend to all aspects of the resort: from management and purchasing choices, to energy efficiency and water conservation.


viceroy-zihuatanejo-jm viceroy-zihuatanejo-jm-2 zihuatanejo-jm-sup

Ixtapa – Zihuatanejo’s International Guitar Festival 2016

Musicians from around the world will fill the streets and beaches of Zihuatanejo with their distinctive sounds and styles March 5-13, 2016 at the 13th-annual Zihuatanejo International Guitar Festival at this popular destination on the Mexican Pacific. The international music event will feature a series of concerts over nine days at several locations in Zihuatanejo, including the Viceroy Zihuatanejo resort on La Ropa beach,El Palmar beach in Ixtapa and La Madera beach in Zihuatanejo.

Guitarists from many countries will perform in a wide scope of styles, from classical percussive, blues and country to international influences. The festival will kick off with an Opening Concert on El Palmar beach with 11 artists and groups, and close with a Jam Concert and free to the public concert with multiple artists, while in between there will be a series of smaller concerts such as the March 6 event at Viceroy Zihuatanejo with acoustic guitarist and composer Maneli Jamal of Iran and the Andrea Perrone Duo of Brazil, one of the world’s few women virtuoso guitarists.

“Zihuatanejo has evolved into a popular destination for festivals and events, but none are as exciting or inspiring as our annual Zihuatanejo International Guitar Festival,” said Martin Kipping, General Manager of the Viceroy Zihuatanejo. “Our streets resound with innovative music and visitors come from all over the world.”




This post is part of my #JourneyPacificMx trip, while traveling through Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo; readers can follow along my real-time experiences and tips via InstagramTwitter, and Facebook with hashtag #JourneyPacificMX


Costa Careyes – The Next Big Thing? – Travel Weekly

Journey Mexico recently chatted with Travel Weekly about Mexico’s next “it” destination, following the Tulum trend. Below are excerpts from the article “The Next Tulum?” written by Meagan Drillinger and featured on Travel Weekly’s website:

But like so many “off the beaten path” destinations before it, Tulum’s secret is out… …Which begs the question, what’s next? What remains for the hippies, artists and boho chic? According to Journey Mexico’s Zachary Rabinor, Costa Careyes on the Costalegre is a solid bet.

“I’ll put my money on Costa Careyes,” says Journey Mexico’s Zachary Rabinor. Costa Careyes is located on the Costalegre, which runs along Mexico’s Pacific coast Highway 200 from Careyes to Punta Dorada (between Puerto Vallarta and Manzanillo). It is a stretch of Mexican coastline that is a far cry from the crowded bars or massive chain hotels you’d expect to find in more popularized Mexican resort towns. Small, boutique, ecotourism hotels thrive here alongside luxury villas and smaller properties.

“Once the highway and airport are done, Costalegre will receive international flights,” Rabinor pointed out.

Within Costa Careyes is the Costa Careyes Resort, an exclusive, luxury, private resort that consists of ocean castles, villas, casitas and bungalows on the south coast of Jalisco. The complex, popular among Europeans and the jet set elite, was built in 1968 with obvious Mediterranean undertones, giving a slice of Med life to Mexico’s Pacific coast.

Private Villa in Costa Careyes

Photo via Costa Careyes ?!

Besides the relatively pristine vistas and privacy, Careyes calls lovers of nature and is a hotbed of activity for water sports like diving, snorkeling, swimming, kayaking and windsurfing. Golfers can visit the golf course in El Tamarindo, 45 minutes away. There is also a chic Polo Club in Careyes that opens its doors on weekends. Take a trip to beaches like Tenacatita, Chamela and Perula, where the only activity you’ll want to do is kick back in a beach chair and tuck into freshly caught fish


Ready to visit Costa Careyes? Browse our Pacific Coast itineraries here.


Looking for a Mexico Vacation Specialist? Meet the Trusted Travel Experts List by Wendy Perrin

Wendy Perrin, an authoritative voice among travelers and travel professionals,  is bringing her expertise to her uniquely helpful website, WendyPerrin.com where she helps people have the best possible travel experiences. Recently, Wendy launched a shiny new 2016 WOW List that represents trip designers who received the best reviews from travelers in 2015. Wendy calls those on the WOW List, “the most well-connected travel fixers and custom itinerary designers in the world.”

Thanks to Wendy’s trip-monitoring service,  The WOW List is constantly modified, testing new candidates and removing the weakest that do not meet the Trusted Travel Expert expectations.

Wendy Perrin wow list 2016We are happy to share that for the third consecutive year  since the launch of the WOW List in 2014, Journey Mexico’s CEO, Zachary Rabinor, has been named a Trusted Travel Expert for Mexico. In addition to sharing Insider Guides on Mexico City, Puerto Vallarta, and Riviera Maya , Wendy highlight’s Zach’s Mexico knowledge by writing, “His deep relationships with local guides, communities, and hoteliers often translate into room upgrades, special-access visits, and off-the-beaten-path experiences that travelers wouldn’t know about otherwise.”

Many of our travelers and readers have found us because of Wendy Perrin’s vacation specialist program – and we want to send a huge thank-you to all who have booked trips through the Trusted Travel Experts and also submitted a review upon return.

For travelers looking for a Trusted Travel Expert in any country – be sure to reference the WOW List.  In addition to the special VIP treatment from Wendy, it also includes the following compliemtnary benefits:

 – Wendy’s trip-planning system: When you use the WendyPerrin.com trip-request form, Wendy will watch over your trip, providing extra tips to make sure it’s extraordinary. If there are any glitches along the way, Wendy will step in to rectify and assist in any way needed.

 – You get entered into Wendy’s WOW Moments rewards program: On every third trip you plan through a WendyPerrin.com Trusted Travel Expert, Wendy will personally add an unforgettable WOW experience to your itinerary, custom-designed for you in collaboration with your Trusted Travel Expert.

To view the complete 2016 Wow List – Trusted Travel Experts, click here.



New Hotels in Mexico – 2016 and Beyond

Lots of exciting news coming out of Mexico lately as  investments in hotels and tourism continue to pour in. 2016 is poised to be a very busy year with many new hotels entering the scene.  Here’s what we’ve heard so far:

Chablé – Yucatan Peninsula

Debuting in June 2016, Chable will blend five-star hospitality, superior cuisine, the world’s largest tequila collection and an enviable location within a mystical natural environment. The hotel will be located just 25 minutes outside Merida and feature 38 luxurious stand-alone pool villas,  expansive 3-bedroom presidential suites and a traditional hacienda.



Starwood Hotels & Resorts, W – Punta Mita

The W is slated to debut a 120-villa resort in Riviera Nayarit’s Punta de Mita on February 15, 2016.  W Punta Mita will be part of Los Veneros, an exclusive enclave located on Mexico’s Pacific Coast.

 Hyatt, Andaz – Mayakoba

Andaz Mayakoba Resort Riviera Maya, the latest addition to the Mayakoba Resort family which currently includes Fairmont, Banyan Tree, and Rosewood, is expected to debut at the end of 2016. In addition to 213 guestrooms, the main attraction will be “savoring the tradition of the Riviera Maya region, focusing on serving local culture to guests with cheerful Mexican hospitality.”



Rosewood – Puebla

Rosewood Hotels & Resorts plan to open their fourth Mexican property sometime next year. The hotel has yet to announce what month it will start accepting reservations but it has released that the 79 guestrooms and suites will be housed in a collection of buildings from different eras and include a restaurant, a rooftop bar, a swimming pool with views of Iglesia de San Francisco, and their signature Sense® spa. Read More about Rosewood Puebla >>


Thompson – Mexico City

Slated to open early 2016, the third Thompson property introduced to Mexico will be in the capital, Mexico City. Designers Niz + Chauvet have said to incorporate  a contemporary, mid-century Mexican touch.

Hard Rock Hotel – Cabo San Lucas

Located on the shores  of Cabo San Lucas, Hard Rock Hotel Los Cabos is still on schedule to be completed in 2016. The 600-room, all-inclusive property will feature 6 restaurants, multiple pool sites, 54,000 sq. ft. of meeting space in addition to the  Hard Rock, rock-star vibe. This will be the brand’s fourth Mexican destination.

Los Cabos is also expecting:  The Ritz-Carlton Reserve; Park Hyatt; Le Blanc Spa Resort VieVage Los Cabos, an Auberge Resort; and The Resort at Diamante.

Mar Adentro by Encanto – San Jose del Cabo

Now taking reservations for their 2016 opening, this luxuriously designed resort is situated on prime beachfront in the heart of San Jose del Cabo on the Baja Peninsula. It features 143 suites, 60 private residences, and 18 estates;  due to its architectural creativity, it is the first contemporary luxury development of its kind in the region.



Hotel announcements beyond 2016 include:

The Ritz-Carlton – Mexico City

The Ritz-Carlton has announced plans to open its first hotel in Mexico City. Set to open in 2019, the 153-room hotel will be be prominently located on Reforma Ave. in a tower and feature unobstructed views of Chapultepec Park. Itwill  include signature Ritz-Carlton luxury services and amenities such as a Club Lounge and spa.

One&Only Santa Maria de Xala – Costalegre

With plans to break ground in 2016, there has yet to be an official announcement of expected open date for this highly anticipated resort. One&Only continues to be the talk of the town on the Pacific Coast as the authentic hacienda resort is expected to feature 5 miles of impressive beachfront, 75 luxury villas and suites with private pools, and a prestigious One&Only residential component. More >>

One&Only Mandarina – Riviera Nayarit

It has been said that work is already underway as One&Only Mandarina, located just 30 miles north of Puerto Vallarta, is expected to open within the next years. The luxury resort  will debut 145 villas and private estates and a variety of state-of-the-art amenities one expects from this esteemed brand. More >>

Starwood Hotels & Resorts, W Retreat- Riviera Maya

Set against the sparkling blue waters of the Caribbean, the W Kanai Retreat in Riviera Maya is scheduled to open January 1, 2018. The beachfront resort will featured 180 rooms with leisure, spa, and fitness facilities, two restaurants and three bars.  More >>




Incase you missed it! Recently opened in the last months include:

Breathless Cabo San Lucas Resort & Spa – Los Cabos

Breathless, a new hotel line from AM Resorts, opened in December in Los Cabos . The adult-only hotel features 160+ rooms and is targeted to adults (single, couples, and friends) seeking a modern and chic vacation.

JW Marriott Hotels & Resorts  – Los Cabos

The JW Marriott in Los Cabos opened in November 2015. Located in the gated community of Puerto Los Cabos and and occupying hundreds of acres of pristine Pacific coastline, the hotel is an architecturally stunning space with a curated assortment of commissioned artwork. The resort has state-of-the-art resort amenities, the exclusive Griffin Club, several outdoor pools, a health club, and a full-service luxury spa.

Thompson Playa del Carmen

Just month’s after introducing the Thompson brand to Mexico via their Los Cabos boutique resort, Thompson is planning for a quick expansion. The Thompson Playa del Carmen property opened in the fall, accepting reservations beginning November 12th. With an ideal location on La Quinta Ave. and Calle 12, this contemporary boutique resort features 92 tooms and a “rooftop patio playground” with an infinity pool and panoramic Caribbean views.



Secrets Akumal in Riviera Maya (all inclusive resort)
Casa Fayette in Guadalajara (boutique design hotel)
Thompson Cabo San Lucas (boutique resort)
Grand Hyatt in Playa del Carmen (beach resort)
Mi Amor in Tulum (boutique hotel)
La Semilla in Playa del Carmen (boutique hotel)
Coral in Tulum (boutique hotel)
..and worth mentioning is a 20 million dollar renovation to the Grand Velas Riviera Nayarit!
Read more, Best New Hotels in Mexico 2015

So what does all this mean?  Travel to Mexico continues to grow for both business and leisure travel. These hotel projects will support the role in the continued emergence and success of Mexico City as a leading international destination.